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We are currently closed to submissions. We will announce here, and on our social media, when we open back up. Until then, keep writing!


We hope you'll also support our books as they come out.

As of June 2023: we are not offering advances yet but our contracts allow authors to start getting paid royalties immediately, without first having to earn out an advance. We will update this as soon as advance become available.


If you'd like to make that happen sooner, be sure to share our Ko-fi page so people can help us crowdfund them.


Are you an author with a story to tell and a unique take on the world due to being part of at least one marginalized identity (BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, neurodivergency—including mental disabilities and/or mental health diagnoses, other disabilities, etc.)? If your answer is yes, and you write English language genre fiction (of any kind; e.g. romance, fantasy, sci-fi, horror, mystery, thriller, etc.) for middle grade (MG), young adult (YA), or adult (different from Erotica) audiences reach out to us! We are not seeking but are open to Graphic Novels and Erotica.


We are not interested in picture books, chapter books, comics, short stories, serials, or non-fiction at this time.


Unagented authors are welcome to submit.

You can write your author bio with these tips if you're unsure of how to do one as an unpublished author.


Zara knows some agents demand that you "out" yourself, and thinks that's disgusting.

For Inimitable Books, you are not required to explain your diverse background in your query. However, please include your pronouns so Zara knows how to address you in a reply.


Your story does not need to address the social injustices you've faced, since there are many publishers who focus on issue stories, but you can include as much of it as you want in your book. Manuscripts should be 60,000-100,000 words. When providing your word count in your query, please round up to the nearest thousandth.


Do not submit any work that has been previously published (in a magazine, via self-publishing, or through another book publisher).


Include Content Warnings like "cw: graphic depiction of violence, sexual assault (not just rape, but any non-consensual contact), child abuse", etc. If you're unsure of what to include, this online post is a good place to start. And remember: it's better to air on the side of caution. If you're unsure if a trigger applies to your story, it doesn't hurt to include that in your list.


Zara goes by fae/faer pronouns so please write "Mx. Hoffman" when addressing your query.


Check your SPAM folder & white-list so you don't miss Zara's reply!

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